

Hical-NSE: Indo-French Joint Venture

Hical-NSE Electronics Pvt. Ltd. is a Joint Venture between Hical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India (51%) & NSE Industries, France (49%). The two companies have established this JV to cater to the Indian Offset requirements.

NSE Group (established 1983) is a transnational corporation (operations in France, Canada, Brazil, and Morocco) with capabilities to design, build, and integrate systems in Aerospace, Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Large-Scale Industries. It has an excellent customer base with the leading corporations of the world figuring in it.


  • Activity of research and development on products mastered by NSE

  • Customer repair and maintenance centre for NSE products and/or for other customers’ products, in particular electrical and avionics products (Flight Recorders, Night Vision, etc.)

  • Radar sub-assemblies, computers and avionics interfaces

  • Test benches

  • Wiring and harness, integration of wired boxes, cabinets & racks

Camera Connection box for the Rafale Aircraft

A key objective of Hical-NSE is to help international aerospace corporations meet their offset commitments with the Indian government, sometimes in partnership with Indian companies. One such customer/partner is Godrej Precision Engineering, from whom Syed Mudassir from Hical-NSE is here seen receiving a recognition.