Hical-NSE Electronics Pvt. Ltd. is a Joint Venture between Hical Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India (51%) & NSE Industries, France (49%). The two companies have established this JV to cater to the Indian Offset requirements.
NSE Group (established 1983) is a transnational corporation (operations in France, Canada, Brazil, and Morocco) with capabilities to design, build, and integrate systems in Aerospace, Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Large-Scale Industries. It has an excellent customer base with the leading corporations of the world figuring in it.
Activity of research and development on products mastered by NSE
Customer repair and maintenance centre for NSE products and/or for other customers’ products, in particular electrical and avionics products (Flight Recorders, Night Vision, etc.)
Radar sub-assemblies, computers and avionics interfaces
Test benches
Wiring and harness, integration of wired boxes, cabinets & racks
Camera Connection box for the Rafale Aircraft
A key objective of Hical-NSE is to help international aerospace corporations meet their offset commitments with the Indian government, sometimes in partnership with Indian companies. One such customer/partner is Godrej Precision Engineering, from whom Syed Mudassir from Hical-NSE is here seen receiving a recognition.