

Hical Quality Policy

Assured Product Quality and a pleasing experience for the customer in each transaction with us; continual increase in Value Delivered; continual Cost Improvement through planned Waste-Elimination: we will focus on these key areas to constantly satisfy our customers. Each of us will constantly learn skills and acquire knowledge to consistently deliver superior performance in the key areas. We will demonstrate Uncompromising Integrity in the performance of each task that impacts Quality.

Sujaya Shashikiran
Managing Director

The Hical Quality Management System

We pride ourselves in the high quality standards we follow, and we maintain an unblemished record of Zero PPM and 100% OTD till date.

Winner for 11 consecutive years

We are certified A on the Qualifas portal consequent to the last audit.

We are AS9100D, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001, & NADCAP certified.

We use Design for Manufacturability (DFM), Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Statistical Quality Control (SQC) to meet our defect-reduction goals. The production lines and cells are organized with visual displays of defects in real-time. Corrective actions to eliminate root causes are horizontally deployed through the use of IT, so that all projects on the shop floor benefit from the actions taken in one project. Corrective actions are an important resource in the setup approval process when a new project is launched, or when a shift commences.

Improvement goals are set annually, based on the performance of the past year, keeping in mind the expectations of the individual customer, and the company’s aspirations with regard to business excellence. Goals are communicated to every member, and actions are deployed in a systematic annual exercise based on Total Quality Management (TQM), which in Hical is simply called Business Planning and Control (BPC).

Quality Certifications